Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Radhanagar-Lalit Katai Case Study

The word ‘Katai’ in Hindi refers to a cleared forest area. Lalit Katai is a remote village in the Radhanagar area in North Andaman District (Diglipur region). It has a population of 63 people. Villagers used to drink untreated water which they collect from a stream. Diseases like diarrhea and jaundice were commonly reported. Intervention by EHA through provinging water treatment systems brought a significant transformation in the lives of people in ‘Katai’. This has not happened overnight but over a period of time with persistent efforts from the project staff who have encouraged and motivated them to use treated water for drinking. This was accompleshed through regular home visit and awareness programs. Villagers have been responsive and participated very well. Distributing filters to every household allowed everyone to drink clean water. Now every home is treating drinking water through a combination of the filter system and boiling. Not only the elders but even the children seemed to have understood the advantages of drinking clean water.

Addapted from the Dec 2007 3rd Quarter Progress Report.

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